
Student Works at the G20 Event, Bali

DESPRO NEWS (26 November 2022) Keebon tries to solve problems that happen around the corn fields. Keebon sees another potential behind the lack of corncob waste processing by utilizing it as an alternative material from particle wood in the manufacture of interior products. This year, Keebon had the opportunity to participate at Bio-Energetic Architecture Exhibition in Bali which was also part of G20’s events that was held at Kura-Kura, Bali from November 14 – 20 and is open to the public from November 20 – 30, 2022. Bio-Energetic Architecture is the art and science of designing spaces inspired by the energetic principles of Nature. The exhibition shows natural building materials made from agro-waste and agro by-products that help correct the energies of the home/ workplace, creating healthier indoor spaces. So we can properly select energetic building materials and adapt our land and our personal issues. One of the material’s examples is corncob-based furniture designed by Keebon. Keebon is a group of students from the Product Design Department, ISI Yogyakarta. They are, Steffany Andrea Hosea, Ahmad Yoga Firmansyah, Muhammad Rizal Maulana, Natasha Nisa Islami, Syaiffudin Zuhri, and Dewa Ayu Dalia Patricia. It’s a pride for Keebon and the Product Design Department, ISI Yogyakarta, to be able to participate in the G20 exhibition in Bali.

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Opening Ceremony DEKRETY #2

DESPRO NEWS (14 Maret 2022) Ikatan Mahasiswa Desain Produk Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta kembali menyelenggarakan acara DEKRETY #2 setelah 2 tahun vakum karena pandemi.

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Pra-konvensi Good Design

DESPRO NEWS (24 Juli 2021) Pertemuan Pra-konvensi Good Design yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Program Studi Desain Produk Afiliasi ADPII (Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia) hari

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International Guest Lecture #2

DESPRO NEWS (24 November 2022) Fakultas Seni Rupa, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta kembali menggelar International Guest Lecture 2022 pada hari Kamis-Jumat, 24-25 November 2022. Kegiatan

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